What Happened in 2017 #2

Bibliographic Information Author(s) of article: By The New York Times Title of article: Multiple weapons found in Las Vegas Gunman’s Hotel Room Name of magazine, newspaper, website, etc. containing the article: New York Times Date article was published: Oct 2, 2017 Web address:Multiple Weapons Found in Las Vegas Gunman’s Hotel Room – The … Summary Information Discuss the effectiveness of…

What happened in 2017

Bibliographic Information Author(s) of article:Rory Smith and Sewell Chan Title of article: Ariana Grande Manchester concert ends in explosion, panic, and death Name of magazine, newspaper, website, etc. containing the article: New York Times Date article was published: May 22 2017 Web address: WWW.NYtimes.com Summary Information Discuss the effectiveness of the headline in summarizing the story and getting the reader’s…

What are positive outcomes of smartphone?

The question I what are positive outcomes of a smartphone? My opinion is that their are many uses for having a smartphone. My reason behind it is that people make apps everyday that can do many things. One example is being able to look up any type of information anywhere. Another example of smartphones being useful is, having entertainment at anytime. Another example is…

How do I communicate with friends and family, and how is it different 15 tears ago?

The first question is how do I communicate with friends and family. The answer to that question is, I use my phone to contact my friends and family. The second question was how different is communication form 15 years to now. In my opinion i feel that a lot of things would be different. The reason I feel this way is…

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